Sagebrush Re-establishment Practices

Workshop Hosted by the Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC)

Society For Range Management
65th Annual Meeting
(Spokane, WA)

2012 RTEC Spokane, WA

Sunday, January 29, 2012
10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Spokane Convention Center (SCC)

RTEC Business Meeting to follow


Scott Jensen, USFS Rocky Mountain Research Station, Provo, UT

Robert Cox, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

The Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC) is an informal organization of land managers, engineers, academia and private industry representatives interested in developing new rehabilitation equipment and strategies. The roots of RTEC go back to 1946 when the need for new site preparation and seeding equipment to increase forage production on western USA rangelands was a priority. Today RTEC emphasizes innovative technology and strategies to improve land treatments on western rangelands through the supporting functions of equipment development and application of innovative technology.

The theme for this year's workshop is "Sagebrush Re-establishment Practices".
Invited speakers will discuss basic ecology, completed and ongoing research and practical experience, and will review successes and failures in re-establishing sagebrush stands.
At the end of the workshop a short RTEC business meeting will be held to
organize the 2013 RTEC Workshop.


10:00  Welcome
10:05  Historical Overview of the Sagebrush Seed Industry [abstract] [presentation] [presentation notes]
           Richard Stevens, Retired, Ephraim, UT
10:25  Contributions of Hispanics to the Native Seed Industry/Regulatory Compliance and
           Seed Standard Issues that have Occurred

           Mark Plummer, Plummer Seed Company, Ephraim, UT
10:45  Protocols for Sagebrush Seed Processing and Seedling Production at the
           Lucky Peak Nursery
[abstract] [presentation]
           Clark Fleege, USFS, Lucky Peak Nursery, Boise, ID
11:05  Ecological Genetics of Big Sagebrush [abstract] [presentation]
           Bryce Richardson1, Joshua Udall2 and Nancy Shaw3
                     1USFS, RMRS, Provo, UT; 2Brigham Young University, Provo, UT; 3USFS, RMRS, Boise, ID
11:25  Biological and Ecological Aspects of Big Sagebrush Subspecies:
           Influences on planting success and community restoration
[abstract] [presentation]
           Steve Monsen, Retired, Mapleton, UT
11:45  LUNCH
1:00  Sagebrush Recruitment Following Juniper Mastication in Western Utah [abstract] [presentation]
         Brad Jessop, USDI BLM, West Desert District, Salt Lake City, UT
1:20  Evaluating Historic Seeding Treatments in Western Grasslands and Shrublands
         using the Land Treatment Digital Library
[abstract] [presentation]
         David Pilliod, USGS, Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Boise, ID
1:40  Effectiveness of Sagebrush Steppe Post-Fire Rehabilitation Projects:
         Short and long-term responses
[abstract] [presentation]
         David Pyke1, T. Wirth1, K. Knutson1, J. Beyers3, D. Pilliod2, J. Chambers4 and M. Brooks5
                  1USGS, Forest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, Corvallis, OR; 2USGS, Boise, ID;
USFS, Riverside, CA; 4USFS, Reno, NV; 5USGS, El Portal, CA
2:00  Success of Broadcast Seeding Big Sagebrush in the Northern Great Basin [abstract] [presentation]
         Mike Pellant, USDI BLM, Idaho State Office, Boise, ID
2:20  Seeding Wyoming Big Sagebrush in the Northern Great Basin [abstract] [presentation]
         Robert Cox1, Mike Pellant2 and Nancy Shaw3
Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX;
2USDI BLM, Boise, ID; 3USFS, RMRS, Boise, ID
2:40  BREAK
3:00  Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) Community Restoration in Utah:
         50 years of Lessons Learned
[abstract] [presentation]
         Jason Vernon and Danny Summers
         Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Ephraim, UT
3:20  Planting Seedlings to Regenerate Critical Shrub Components in Shrub-Steppe:
         A viable tool for managers
[abstract] [presentation]
         Heidi Newsome, USFWS, Mid-Columbia National Wildlife Refuge Complex, Burbank, WA
3:40  Evaluating Sagebrush Establishment Techniques on Reclaimed Bentonite Lands
         in Wyoming's Big Horn Basin
[abstract] [presentation]
         Lyle King, University of Wyoming, Laramie and Shell Valley Consulting Associates, Inc., Shell, WY

4:00  Banking Sagebrush Seed [abstract] [presentation]
         Robert Karrfalt
USFS Forest Service, National Seed Laboratory, Dry Branch, GA

4:25  RTEC Business Meeting

For more information regarding RTEC or this workshop, contact:

             Scott Jensen or Robert Cox

Background &
Projects &