Crested  Wheatgrass Diversification

Workshop Hosted by the Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC)

Society For Range Management
64th Annual Meeting
(Billings, MT)

2011 RTEC meeting in Billings, Montana

Sunday, February 6, 2011
 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

Robert Cox, Organizer
Department of Natural Resources Management
Texas Tech University


The Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC) is an informal organization of land managers, engineers, academia and private industry representatives interested in developing new rehabilitation equipment and stategies. The roots of RTEC go back to 1946 when the need for new site preparation and seeding equipment to increase forage production on western USA rangelands was a priority. Today RTEC emphasizes innovative technology and strategies to improve land treatments on western rangelands through the supporting functions of equipment development and application of innovative technology. The theme for this year's workshop is "Diversification of Crested Wheatgrass Stands". Invited speakers will discuss basic ecology, completed and ongoing research and practical experience, and will review successes and failures in seeding native species into established crested wheatgrass stands. At the end of the workshop a short RTEC business meeting will be held to organize the 2012 RTEC workshop.


10:00  Introduction
           Robert Cox, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX

10:10  An Overview of the Research and Studies on Diversifying Crested Wheatgrass Seedings
           [abstract & presentation]
           Mike Pellant, USDI-BLM, Idaho State Office, Boise, ID

10:30  History of Crested Wheatgrass (Agropyron) in North America [abstract & presentation]
           Kevin Jensen, USDA-ARS, Forage and Range Research Laboratory, Logan, UT

10:50  Successional Pathways of Wyoming Big Sagebrush Communities Historically
           Seeded with Creasted Wheatgrass [abstract & presentation]
           Tom Monaco and Justin Williams, USDA-ARS, Forage and Range Research Laboratory,
           Logan, UT


11:10  Increasing Native Plant Diversity in Crested Wheatgrass Stands: Theory, Practice
           and Problems [abstract & presentation]
           Val Anderson
, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT


12:40  Crested Wheatgrass Diversification: Practical Experiences [abstract & presentation]
           Jerry Benson, BFI Natives, Moses Lake, WA
1:00  Restoring Native Plants to Crested Wheatgrass Stands in eastern Oregon [abstract & presentation]
         Jane Mangold1 and Valerie Fansler
2, 1Montana State University, Bozeman, MT;
2USDA-FS, Pike San Isabel National Forest, Colorado Springs, CO

1:20  Diversifying Crested Wheatgrass Seedings in Northern Nevada [abstract & presentation]
         Kent McAdoo1, John Swanson
2 and Nancy Shaw3, 1University of Nevada Cooperative
         Extension, Elko, NV;
2University of Nevada, Reno; 3USDA-FS, Rocky Mountain
         Research Station, Boise, ID

1:40  Increasing Diversity in Crested Wheatgrass Stands in Eastern Idaho [abstract & presentation]
         Corey Moffet
, Noble Foundation, Ardmore, OK
2:00  BREAK

2:20  Crested Wheatgrass Control and Native Plant Establishment in Utah [abstract & presentation]
         April Hulet1, Bruce Roundy1, Brad Jessop
2 and Jennifer Rawlins1,
         1Brigham Young University, Provo, UT;
2USDI-BLM, Salt Lake Field Office, Salt Lake City, UT

2:40  Fire, Herbicide and Disking Effects on Diversifying Crested Wheatgrass Stands
         in the Northern Great Plains
[abstract & presentation]
         Lance Vermeire
, USDA-ARS, Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Laboratory,
         Miles City, MT

3:00  The Diversification of Crested Wheatgrass [abstract & presentation]
         Michael Schellenberg, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Semiarid Prairie Agricultural
         Research, Swift Current, Saskatchewan

3:30  RTEC Business Meeting

For more information regarding RTEC or this workshop, contact:

              Robert Cox

Selected References
Hull, A. C., Jr.; Klomp, J. G. 1967. Thickening and spread of crested wheatgrass stands
           on Southern Idaho Ranges. Journal of Range Management. 20: 222-227.
Benson, Jerry. 2010. Restoration of a crested wheatgrass field.
Cox, R. D. and V. J. Anderson. 2004. Increasing native diversity of cheatgrass-dominated
           rangeland through assisted succession. Journal of Range Management 57: 203-210.
Fansler, V. A. 2007. Establishing native plants in crested wheatgrass stands using successional
Corvallis, OR, USA. Oregon State University. Thesis. 108 p.
Fansler, Valerie A.; Mangold, Jane M. 2010. Restoring native plants to crested wheatgrass stands.
           Restoration Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/j.1526-100X.2010.00678.x.
Frid, L. 2006. Decision analysis to evaluate control strategies for crested wheatgrass in Grasslands
           National Park in Canada. Prepared by ESSA Technologies Ltd., Vancouver, B.C. for Parks
           Canada, Winnipeg, MB. 21 pp.
Gunnell, Kevin L.; Monaco, Thomas A.; Call, Christopher A.; Ransom, Corey V. 2010.
           Seedling interference and niche differentiation between crested wheatgrass and contrasting
           native Great Basin species. Rangeland Ecology & Management. 63: 443-449.
Haferkamp, M. R.; Currie, P. O.; Volesky, J. D.; Knapp, B. W. 1992. Mortality of crested wheatgrass
           and Russian wildrye during drought. Journal of Range Management. 45: 355-357.
Hulet, April. 2009. Diversification of crested wheatgrass stands in Utah. Provo, UT: Brigham Young
           University.Thesis. 32 p.
Hulet, April; Roundy, Bruce A. 2010. Crested wheatgrass control and native plant establishment in Utah.
           Rangeland Ecology & Management. 63: 450-460.
McAdoo, J. K.; Longland, W. S.; Evans, R. A. 1989. Nongame bird community responses to sagebrush
           invasion of crested wheatgrass seedings. Journal of Wildlife Management. 53: 494-502.
Muscha, J. M.; Haferkamp, M. R.; Shaw, N. L.; Vermeire, L. T. 2007. Competitive dynamics among
           crested wheatgrassand native forbs and grasses
. Society of Range Management Abstract 304.
           Society for Range Management 60th Annual Meeting, Reno, NV.
Pellant, M. and C. R. Lysne. 2005. Strategies to enhance plant structure and diversity in crested
           wheatgrass seedings
. In: Shaw, N. L., M. Pellant, and S. B. Monsen, comps. Sage-grouse
           Habitat Restoration Symposium Proceedings. RMRS-P-38. 4-7 June 2001; Boise, ID, USA.
           Fort Collins, CO, USA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain
           Research Station: 81-92.
Schellenberg, Michael P.; Waddington, John; King, Jane R. 1994. Sod-seeding alfalfa in spring into
           established crested wheatgrass in southwest Saskatchewan
. Canadian Journal of Plant Science.
           74: 293-301.
Sheedy, Valerie; Weber, Keith T.; Glenn, Nancy F.; Blew, Roger, D.; Jackson, Michael. Crested
           wheatgrass (Agropyron cristatum) rates of spread into native sagebrush steppe in Eastern Idaho.
Wang, R. R-C.; Jensen, K. B. 2009. Chapter 3: Wheatgrass and wildryes. In: Genetic Resources,
           Chromosome Engineering and Crop Improvement. Vol 5 Forage Crops. In: Singh, Ram J., ed.
           Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press: 41-79.
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