Integrating GPS and GIS Technology to Improve Land Treatments 

Workshop Hosted by the Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC)

Society For Range Management
62nd Annual Meeting
(Albuquerque, NM)

2009 RTEC meeting in Albuquerque, NM

Sunday, February 8, 2009
 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 

Nancy Shaw and Mike Pellant, Organizers


RTEC is dedicated to the wise use and improvement of rangelands through the supporting functions of equipment development and application of innovative technology. This year's half-day workshop will focus on the use of GPS and GIS technology to improve the success of land treatments. GPS and GIS technology are revolutionizing the agricultural industry by improving crop seeding, harvesting efficiency, and record keeping. This technology is just beginning to be applied to rangeland treatments. This workshop will explore current and potential applications, emphasizing a practical approach for land managers. Plenty of time will be allowed for RTEC participants to question the presenters. A short meeting will be held immediately following the workshop to plan the 2010 RTEC Workshop for the Denver SRM meeting.


1:00  Workshop overview  [abstract & presentation]
         Mike Pellant, USDI BLM,
Boise, ID and Nancy Shaw, USDA FS, Boise, ID

1:15  Looking at the big picture to plan land treatments [abstract & presentation]
         Eva Strand,
University of Idaho, Moscow

1:40  Precision herbicide spraying with GPS technology [abstract]
         Barney Lee, North Star Vegetation Management Specialist, Inc.,
Gardendale, TX

2:05  BREAK

2:30  Integrating remote sensing and observations into decision support systems for invasive
[abstract & presentation]
         E. Raymond Hunt, Jr., USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Laboratory, Beltsville, MD

2:55  Adapting GPS technology to rangeland reclamation [abstract & presentation]
         Glade Jones, Hindsite Co., La Barge, WY 

3:20  Using GPS to track livestock on the landscape [abstract & presentation]
         Pat Clark,
USDA ARS Northwest Watershed Research Center, Boise, ID

3:45  Restoration planning and monitoring using GPS technology [abstract & presentation]
         Dick Carr
, C-M Environmental Group, Pinedale, WY 
4:10  Discussion Session

4:30  Business Meeting
         Plan RTEC Workshop for Denver 2010 meeting

5:00  Adjourn

For more information regarding RTEC or this workshop, contact:

              Mike Pellant or Nancy Shaw




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Projects &