Equipment and Techniques for
Renovating Lands Dominated by
Sagebrush and Pinyon-Juniper  

Workshop Hosted by the Rangeland Technology and Equipment Council (RTEC)

Society for Range Management
57th Annual Meeting
(Salt Lake City, UT)

2004 RTEC meeting in Salt Lake City, UT

Sunday, January 25, 2004
 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM 
Grand America Hotel
Grand Salon

Jason Vernon, Organizer


1:00   Rangeland Seeding Technology: What We Have and Where Do We Need to Go
          Steve B. Monsen, Retired - USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station,
          Shrub Sciences Laboratory, Provo, UT


1:20   Utah Division of Wildlife Resources - Habitat Restoration Initiative
           Rory Reynolds, Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Cedar City, UT

1:40   Revegetation Equipment Catalog Preperation [abstract]
Harold T. Wiedemann1, Nancy L. Shaw2, Mike Pellant3 and Steve B. Monsen4
Retired - Texas A & M University, College Station, TX; 2USDA-FS Rocky Mountain
          Research Station, Boise, ID;
USDI-BLM Idaho State Office, Boise, ID;
Retired - USDA-FS, Provo, UT

2:00   The Effect of Habitat Quality on Mule Deer Fawn Survival and Recruitment: Interim Report
Chad J. Bishop1, Gary C. White2, David J. Freddy1 and Bruce E. Watkins1
Colorado Division of Wildlife; 2Colorado State University

2:40   BREAK

3:00   U.S. Forest Service Technology and Development Program / Aerial and Ground
          Ignition Systems
Wesley Throop, USDA. Forest Service, Missoula Technolgy and Development Center,
          Missoula, MT

3:40   Vegetation Response of a Wyoming Big Sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata ssp. wyomingensis)
          community to Six Mechanical Treatments in Rich County, Utah
[abstract] *Competition Paper
Daniel D. Summers1, Scott C. Walker2, Bruce A. Roundy1 and James N. Davis2
Brigham Young Univeristy, Provo, UT; 2Utah Division of Wildlife Resources

4:00   Pipe Harrow / Dixie Harrow: A Tool for Renovating High Elevation Sagebrush and
          Pinyon-Juniper Rangelands
Kreig M. Rasmussen, USDA Forest Service, Richfield, UT
4:20   Using the Hydro-axe and Roller Chopper to Reset Successional Processes in
          Mixed Sagebrush and Pinyon-Juniper
          Robert D. Welch, USDI-Bureau of Land Management, Montrose, CA


4:40   Brigham Young University - Native Plant Materials Facility [abstract]
          Eric Hyer - Farm Manager, Val Anderson and Bruce A. Roundy, Brigham Young University,
          Provo, UT


For more information regarding RTEC or this workshop, contact:

             Jason Vernon




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